Writing's of an exceptional being: Walk Trilogy: Walk in Love

My daughter who is a senior this year has started blogging. She does some nice devotional type writing. Check her blog out.

Writing's of an exceptional being: Walk Trilogy: Walk in Love: "The next three post will be discussion a passage from Ephesians chapter five.

God is the perfect example of love. He showed love when He created us. He showed us love when He died for us. He shows us love by wanting to have intimacy and a relationship with us. When we imitate Him and follow what He does it is an act of worship and praise which bring Him great joy. Just as a little brother or sister(us) copies every thing their big brother(Jesus) does, so we must do with Christ."


Hey Dad,

Thanks for posting me on your blog. A pastor from Tennessee( I hope this is spelled right) also left a comment.


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