NewsForge | Making the leap: Microsoft Word to Writer

For those of you who were wondering about OpenOffice and if you could make the leap, check out this article.

NewsForge | Making the leap: Microsoft Word to Writer: "Whether you're moving from Windows to GNU/Linux, or just from the proprietary Microsoft Office to the free software suite, one of the challenges you'll face is learning how to use Writer effectively if you're used to Microsoft Word. In this article I'll show you around Writer, where to find familiar Word tools, and how to customize the interface and preferences to make it a little more Word-friendly.

First, don't worry; you won't have much trouble adjusting to Writer. The interface isn't terribly different; the menu and toolbar layout are similar to Word's. If you prefer a custom display you'll be much happier with Writer, as it doesn't have a lot of the annoying Word features that people often disable. If the first thing you do when you install Word XP is disable personalized menus and eliminate the superfluous and space-hogging task pane, you'll find it easy and convenient to switch over to Writer."


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