Getting Flat, Part 1 | Linux Journal

I may have to go out and get this book. I think the issues of power and how it is changing are important to the church. The emergant church is a part of the dialogue about the issues of how power is changing. But like I have said before, the power of God is the transcendant issue.

Getting Flat, Part 1 | Linux Journal: "Getting Flat, Part 1
By Doc Searls on Thu, 2005-04-14 23:00.
Our Senior Editor digs into Tom Friedman's new bestseller, from a Linux/open source angle.

'It's a Flat World, After All', Tom Friedman says. That's the title of his long essay in this past Sunday's New York Times magazine. A few days earlier, his new book, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, hit the book stores. I have a copy right here at my left elbow. In support of our local book store, I paid the full price for the hardcover, which weighs in at close to 500 pages. At this point I've read most of it, including everything it says about Linux, GNU/Linux free software and open source.

The World is Flat, which I abbreviate TWIF, in the manner of Eric Raymond's CaTB, may be the most important book written to date on all the subjects in the last sentence. First, it makes clear sense of all those subjects. Second, it puts them in a large and highly meaningful context--the flat new world--where they clearly have enormous on-going roles to play. Third, it's already a bestseller: #3 on Amazon, as of yesterday.

The book is the subject of my July Linux For Suits column in Linux Journal, which I have been writing for way too long, severely indulging the patience of Jill Franklin, our Managing Editor. But I am so jazzed about the subject that I can't stand leaving all my thoughts about it in the buffer for another three months. Fortunately, I have enough material to fill ten columns and SuitWatches. Mercifully, we're limiting our exploration to one print column and two SuitWatches. This is the first of those. After this essay is published as a SuitWatch, it will appear as a Linux Journal Web site feature. Comments should go there. The same procedure will follow with Part 2, two weeks from now.

The two-part format also works thematically. The first part deals with Tom Friedman's treatment of Linux and open source. The second will deal with the solutions to f"


Anonymous said…
You might be interested to know that "Penguin in the Pew" (2.0) is out now. I released it through It's about using GNU/Linux in churches. It's highly rated and widely recommended - I recently saw a post at TechSoup where the guys recommended a pastor grab my book to help with his church's technology efforts. If you're not familiar with the Christian FOSS community on the web, you should check out our Computing at Church page. You can e-mail me if you have any questions (dcparris +at+ matheteuo dot org).


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