Tangier Island

Just got back from vacation. On vacation I visited Tangier Island, VA. To get there we took the ferry from Crisfield, MD. On the way back from the Island one couple noted how neat and clean the homes and yards were. The couple had visited Smith Island and said there were a lot of junk cars and things. I suppose disposal of items would be problematic with no land fill. But the couple attributed the cleanness of Tangier to the religious nature of the community. The idea that a people's Christian morals could make a difference visibly in a community intrigued me.


Anonymous said…
Now that is a thought well worth exploring! I didn't know that there was a strong religious presence on Tangier Island. If Christianity embodies the true and the beautiful, then it would make sense that our homes and communities would embody beauty. This also leads to another discussion about church architecture. Should it be utilitarian and bare or should it reflect the beauty of Jesus.
Good thoughts - this is David, Jollyblogger, by the way.

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