KenRadio Broadcasting

If you know my blog then you know I like KenRadio and you also know I like Wired. Now ...drum roll please....Ken Radio interviews Chris Anderson at Wired. Now you can't get much better than that. Actually the topic is cool too, "The Long Tail" theory. If you don't know what "The Long Tail" theory is check it out at Wikipedia.

KenRadio Broadcasting

Chris Anderson, Editor in Chief, Wired Magazine
So you’ve never heard of “The Long Tail” theory. Do yourself a favor, take 16 minutes and listen to the author who wrote this seminal piece in a recent Wired magazine edition. "The Long Tail is about the economics of abundance—what happens when the bottlenecks that stand between supply and demand in our culture start to disappear and everything becomes available to everyone." Chris Anderson is a brainiac with street smarts and a pen. The dude can flat-out write (and talk).


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