Brigada - Your Gateway to Mission Networking

I have been reading Brigada for a number of years. In the mid-90's I was reading Brigada on my Mac using Compuserve as my service provider. Now I'm on my Linux SUSE box surfing on Verizon DSL. I'm still a technology rebel, and I'm still reading Brigada. (Really, you can read Brigada on Windows too.)

Brigada - Your Gateway to Mission Networking: "So what's Brigada Today? Since January 25th, 1995 -- for a whoppin' 10 years (that's like... forever when it comes to the Internet -- the weekly Brigada Today email journal has been informing Great Commission Christians about our great global quest: giving hope and help to those who need it most. During its initial 3 or 4 years, Brigada sought to create email discussion groups that would unify like-minded pilgrims in reaching specific pockets of people. Thankfully, now there are several specialist websites dedicated to that task. In more recent years, Brigada has honed in on what it always did best for Christians in God's Great Cause:

* Identify & promote helpful resources, conferences, websites, agencies, individuals, etc.
* Analyze & capsulate in layman terms the current trends in global mission, along with their potential impact on the world of missions
* Challenge & motivate evangelical Christians toward greater involvement in finishing the Task of global evangelism -- to seek to inspire others to help in passing the baton of responsibility and initiative in world evangelism, to form a kind of 'brigade' so that, shoulder to shoulder, we can finish the Task that Jesus assigned us in Matthew 28:19-20.

Today there are thousands of subscribers of our weekly publication who, together, make up the Brigada family of participants. May God grant all of us wisdom, insight, and energy to keep on sharing hope and help to those who need it most! "


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