Member: Dead Christians Society - Christian History

Member: Dead Christians Society - Christian History

This article at the Christianity Today website is pretty interesting. They did the list backwards since the de facto standard has been set by David Letterman. Letterman counts down a list, not up. I'll put a summary here in my own words but check out the link above to get the long version:

10. Christian history permeates our culture and society, you don't know who you are without it, even if your not religious. (This assumes the reader is American, or Western to some extent.)
9. Liberates you from the tyranny of the present
8. Life is too short to learn it all yourself so see what others did right and wrong
7. The deeper our roots; the higher we can grow.
6. Because most anything you have a question has already been thought through long and hard by someone in the past
5. Meet by proxy some really colorful and interesting personalities
4. To understand just how different those who came before us were and humble us
3. To understand where all these denominations came from
2. To understand the church's nature and mission
1. Christianity is based on God's historic acts carried out by his providence


Kristofer said…
Great, my university course on church history starts on friday, this makes it even more interesting :)

Believers' wear

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