Even More RSS Experiments

I finally showed up on the League Of Extraordinary Reformed Bloggers. I got an email asking my secret. In reality, I don't have one. Since I'm not sure of all the variables, its difficult to tell what worked and what did not.

The Thing I Was Dissatisfied With
I want my blog name, not feedburner to show up on the aggregator title. I tried to change a couple of things to fix that.

1. Turn off the Feedburner advertisements so that perhaps my blog title shows up instead. (The Jollyblogger may be more jolly if that works.)

2. Turn off the fancy style sheet. Simple is better I think. It's a xml feed! XML is for machines not people.

The Thing I Liked
The feature that I think is desirable is a part of the posting showing up. This is a feature known "summary burner". (I may see a naming convention.) That needs to be turned on, I think.


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