I hated to give up the cool Olympic table which I used from the Athens Olympics Games Blog a group of Australian Christian bloggers. They had a nice Olympic site going. They claimed they were a part of the Emergent Church. Having been introduced to the term "Emergent Church" just this year, I have to say that I have gone through a whole spectrum of ideas and positions. Some revel in being a different church. Others simply ARE a different sort of church. I don't have a problem with church with different settings and different music. I've decided that the term is applied to churches which are orthodox and those which think orthodox is something to be avoided. If emergent means simply working together as a body, I'm all for it. If it means I want to develop strange doctrinal statements to show how original I can be, I'll have to avoid it. I'm going to be open minded until someone indicates that they have drifted from the scriptural teaching. Messy Christian just came out and said she that "her church" is an emergent church. Hooray, she is in fellowship.

I added my favorite Bible verse in its place. I encourage other Christian bloggers to post a favorite verse. That would probably tell me more about you than if you are born under the sign of Aris.


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