
Terry Pruitt

Pastoral Candidate
Pastor ▪ Associate Pastor ▪ Assistant Pastor
With Emphasis on Shepherding, Discipleship, Missions or Evangelism.

Life-long commitment to studying the Word of God and preaching in a manner that helps the message find a home in the hearts of the congregation. Willingly share my life with transparency and invest in people of all ages and backgrounds by spending time with them and praying with and for the people.

Remain a student of worship and help lead the people to approach God through Word and Sacrament. Known as a Christ-centered preacher, shepherd of the flock, and partner in service.

Masters of Divinity (MDiv), 2013
Capital Bible Seminary
Completed internship with Chesapeake Presbytery

Bachelors of Science Humanities, 1992
emphasis in Arabic Language, Philosophy & Religion
University of New York: Regents College

Ministry Path

Grace Point Presbyterian Church – Severn, MD                                                    1996–Present
Fully engaged in serving the congregation and supporting church leadership through providing pulpit fulfillment in the absence of the Pastor, carrying out pastoral care home visits, and teaching Sunday School.

§ Introduced two new small group Bible study programs
§ Participated on the Pulpit Search and Missions Committees
§ Served as Ruling Elder on Session

Various Churches                                                                                                1984–1996
Led men’s One-to-One Discipleship ministry (Manassas, VA) and Home Group Leader with focus on outreach, hospitality, and friendship evangelism to soldiers at Vint Hill Farms Station.

§ Sparked interest in faith-building initiatives through leadership of VBS, children’s church for preteens, and discipleship of new Christians using one-to-one discipleship in Heidelberg, Germany
§ Participated in street evangelism – Monterey, CA

Erin Cumberland Presbyterian (CP) Church – Erin, TN                                             1987–1988
Phillipsburg CP Church – Phillipsburg, MO                                                              1983–1984
Student Supply Pastor
Prepared and delivered Sunday morning messages and carried out pastoral care to the sick and shut-ins throughout the community.

Other Experience

Defense Contractor
Developed appropriate responses to changes in technology and presented briefings on various technological issues. Taught technical training seminars and helped mentor various employees.

United States Army                                                                                                            
Led small teams and mentored incoming soldiers. Utilized expertise to respond to diverse technological challenges within the battle arena.


Date of Birth:  March 23, 1963
Salvation: 1969
Married to: Wife,  Barbara Pruitt
Children: Annalee (married with two children), Corrie, Beccah (married), Noelle, and Elaine
Hobbies: Enjoy gardening, running, travel, digital culture, history, art, languages, and missions.


Medals – Meritorious Service – 1st Oak Leaf Cluster (1st OLC), Joint Commendation, Army Commendation - 1st OLC, Army Achievement, Good Conduct (5 loops), National Defense Service  - 1st OLC, Southwest Asia Service, Kuwait Liberation (Government of Saudi Arabia) and Kuwait Liberation (Government of Kuwait)

Ribbons – Army Service, Overseas Service, and Operation Desert Shield/Storm Campaign

Badges – Air Assault

Awards – Meritorious Unit - 1st OLC


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