The Dawn Treader: Notes From The Pigfest

Apologies for my lateness, you might want to check out this post over at Dawn Treader. He discusses discussion while thowing in the summary of several held at a Pighfest. Though it was a little unclear to me whether a pig was the meal, or just celebrated, or perhaps metaphorical. Check him out.

The Dawn Treader: Notes From The Pigfest: "I opened the Pigfest with a Thomas Aquinas quote that 'civilization is constituted by conversation.' Jefferson, and many others through history, understood the importance of mixing hospitality and conversation in advancing ideas and thought."


The term "pigfest" is used simply to denote that we are indulging on food and feasting on ideas -- i.e. we are "pigging" out. Pig is not necessarily on the menu. ;)

The pig, incidentally, is the smartest animal in the barnyard. It is renowned for its resourcefulness in forging and uncovering hidden stocks of food -- likewise, we hope to be resourceful and uncover useful nuggets of truth in our discussions.

Hope that helps!


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