Reformation Day Approaching

Luther's Thesis 37 "Any true Christian, living or dead, partakes of all the benefits of Christ and the Church, which is the gift of God, even without letters of pardon."

I was amazed to read in a history of the printing press that while the press was used to print theological tracts, it was also used to print letters of indulgence, here in Luther's 37th called letters of pardon. It makes me think that blogging and other communications technologies can be used to strengthen the church or lead her astray. I think of Televangelists who made the medium of TV one of money raising. It seems we could do the same with the Internet, blogging, etc...

In this thesis there seems to be a disconnect between the organizational church and the life of the Christian. Rather than the organizational church affirming the work of the Spirit, it had a seperation way of salvation, namely through indulgences. The church as an organization should always remember her power and authority are derived from her Head, Christ Jesus.


cwv warrior said…
Amen to that! Blogging is a humbling thing...I am trying to pray over every post and comment, to shield from false teaching.

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