JOLLYBLOGGER: Paints a Picture of How to Encourage Your Pastor

Excellent posting.

JOLLYBLOGGER: How to Encourage Your Pastor: "I'll begin with a big thanks to Curt for doing this. It is a big encouragement to me just to see him doing something like this. And beyond that, here are a few thoughts on how to encourage your pastor.

1. Take your own spiritual growth seriously.

"Nice sermon pastor" and "you're a good pastor" are wonderful to hear but what we really want to hear is that you are growing in your walk with Christ. This is why we are in ministry, we want to see people come to Christ and grow in Christ. We take your spiritual growth seriously and one of the greatest encouragments to us is to see you taking it as seriously as we do.

I was involved in a church plant one time and a group of us were doing some painting in a rented facility. The pastor joined me in the room I was working in and made the comment that he really enjoyed doing this painting because he could see the results of his work immediately.

Click the link to read the rest.
