WHERE I'M FROM ...the first twenty years

I am from a hatchet, from a saxophone and a Living Bible.

I am from a house built with my own little hands, Alva's and Marcene's too.

I am from the lambs quarter before summer heat, the black berry bushes after the 4th of July.

I am from story telling and teasing, from Grandma Beulah and brother Alva and sister Marcene.

I am from frank candor and an Ozark turn of phrase.

From not getting enough attention and not worrying about what other people think.

I am from Cumberland Presbyterian church camp and Sunday School, from searching for a denomination to call home.

I'm from the Ozarks, roastin' ears, and cornbread-n-milk.

From the stock of Bert who preached and farmed and even became a vet, from the stock of Ross who worked hard and sacrified for his family, and the likes of Beulah who served her LORD and her family.

I am from rocky, dusty hills that's been in the family for years, but its been so long since I've been there that the ideal is more real that the substance that its made of.

I'M AM STILL...the second twenty years

I am still loving books, my computer and kids who like'm too.

I am still living with furniture that is early attic and late basement; but moving on from many apartments and military housing to live in our own home.

I am still traveling the roads with Barbara, and our five girls in tow.

I am still saying 'I was trying for a child not a boy' and still saying 'five girls is not really a lot'. What would we do without Annalee, Corrie, Beccah, Noelle or Elaine?

I am still loving to learn with my family, eat with my family and pray with my family.

Still learning to be a father and still trying to be fair.

Still seeking the Lord and his call on my life. Talking with my wife and daughters about their call too.

Still telling the five they can be any kind of missionary that they want to be.

I live in Glen Burnie, Maryland; but still I have a heart for the world.
Hat Tip: Joe Missionary

Origial template to make your own can be found at Fragments ~ from Floyd
Images in words and pixels from a quiet valley in Floyd County, Virginia


Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed reading this.

It put things in perspective for me, in my own life.

Jungle Pop said…
Very neat, Terry. Thanks for sharing in this way!

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