
Showing posts from 2019

Online Education is a Loop Back to the Beginning

Era of Education:  Traditional Tribal Society How Education Was Done: Stories Learn by Helping Adults (Participation)  I do - We do - You do Goal of Education:  Survival Strength:  Multi-generational Cohesion Weakness:  Narrow Focus and No Curriculum  Era of Education:  Greek and Classical Academy How Education Was Done: Lecture by Paid Tutor Didactic Questions Greek Tutors Trained Roman Elites Goal of Education:  Leadership in Complex City or State  Strength:  Broader Curriculum Weakness:  Audience is Elites Era of Education:  Agricultural American One Room School House How Education Was Done: Lecture by Trained Teacher Canon of Text Books  Focus on Basics Reading Writing  Arithmetic  Goal of Education:  Train Citizens and Work Force  Strength:  Broadly Available and Re-enforce Sense of Community Weakness:  Overly Concentrating on the Practic...

In What Way Did God Redeem Israel?

A friend of mine read the Cross of Christ by John Stott and had questions regarding chapter 7.  This chapter deals with the concepts of propitiation & expiation.  He considers the idea of redemption in terms of a ransom price for the deliverance of Israel from Egypt.  The ransom price terminology is also involved when Israelites return from exile in Babylon.  God brings Israel out of Egypt in the same way as Christ giving his life as a ransom for many. Stott quotes BB Warfield: "the idea that the redemption from Egypt was the effect of a great expenditure of the divine power and in a sense cost much, is prominent in the allusions to it, and seems to constitute the central idea sought to be conveyed." Stott goes on to say:"For God redeemed Israel "with an outstretched arm" and "with a mighty hand". We conclude that redemption always involved the payment of a price, and that Yahweh's redemption of Israel was not an exception."  What does it...