What do I read next in my Bible?
I have not done it in many years, but sometimes I have just opened my Bible in a random fashion to see what God had to say to me. It was sort of a modern take on the casting of lots or Urim and Thurim . How do I know God's will? Let's roll the dice so to speak. I would hesitate to say one should never do this. One is reading God's Word. That is good. In recent years a funny story has crossed my path a couple of times. A young man want to know what to do with his life so he opens his Bible in this random fashion and the Scripture Matthew 27:5 about Judas is what the page opened to and the eye caught, "...and he went and hanged himself." Feeling discouraged by such a dark passage he decided to try again and get a more positive Scripture passage. He opened the Bible this time and came up with Luke 10:37 which told him "You go and do likewise." I have no idea whether that story is real or not. I'm guessing it is not. ...