
Showing posts from January, 2015

Review of the Book "The Reformed Pastor" by Richard Baxter

Richard Baxter's book is considered a classic by many, but I found it a bit long winded for the content and on the side of moralistic teaching.  The book does not fit our modern disposition for techniques and effectiveness.  It is my understanding that Richard Baxter was quite the effective pastor however, he begins with and dwells for quite some time on the topic of self-examination of the pastor.  This self-examination does not let up but he makes sure that one has sensed one's sin as a pastor.  While it may appear heavy handed by modern measurements, it would be a mistake to dismiss the book.  His point of view from where he sits in church history is instructive to those of us in 2015 and beyond.  Basically, his advice is simple: 1.  Walk with the Lord God yourself 2.  Be diligent in seeking the Lord God 3.  Work hard as a pastor to study 4.  Work hard as a pastor to teach everyone in your care with personal instruction 5. ...