
Showing posts from February, 2011

The Heart Of The Matter: Another Look At The New Perspective On Paul

The Heart Of The Matter: Another Look At The New Perspective On Paul By Terry L. Pruitt Table Of Contents * Introduction * Method of Study * Syllogism: The Method Of Systematic Theology * Description: The Method Of Biblical Theology * Questions Asked and Answered * Issues of the New Perspective * Who Are The Judaizers? * What Does Paul Mean By Justification? * Conclusion Introduction An anachronism is something or an idea that is placed outside its time. In recent years, re-enactors of medieval history have developed an organization called the Society for Creative Anachronisms. This society purposely creates hand made items and events (i.e. jousts) from another time. At other times people stumble in writing a story and place an anachronism in it unintentionally. Some classical scholars believe that some of the cultural items written in Homer's Odyssey are anachronisms. One history scholar claims to find it difficult to enjoy the mystery books and...