My Own Comments on Matthew 13:1-11
Matthew 13:1 : So Jesus picked a place of nature to teach. I think the shore might have made a nice place to gather with the sloping hill. Matthew 13:2 : Where did the crowds come from? Were they from the villages in the region or did they come from a distance? In the next chapter Matthew 14: the people are not close enough to their own homes to get food so they must not from the immediate vicinity, though of course there may have people from near and far. Matthew 13:3 : So the method of teaching in parables is established as both a method and a parable about teaching with parables. Recursive thinking, and for me recursive humor. The attention getting device of the word "Behold". The parable is about listening and the teacher wants to get the attention of his audience. Again recursive thinking. He introduces the character in the parable, the sower. His action is sowing. Who is the sower? Is it anyone who preaches or teaches the word of God or i...