
Showing posts from December, 2006

Dark Roasted Blend: The Most Dangerous Roads in the World

Dark Roasted Blend: The Most Dangerous Roads in the World : "The Most Dangerous Roads in the World" While it might be intriging, I'm going to not put this on my list of places to go on vacation. I have been stuck in the mud and it is not fun.

History of Who Rules the Middle East

This is a link to a map of the Middle East which shows who has ruled in the area through history. The insightful part of this dynamic map is the how those who rule come from the edge and sweep through the area. Also, when we think through the historical ruler, this map shows that current situation is relatively new. Hat Tip: Jungle Pop .

My Sunday School Lesson - Zechariah 2

Zechariah 2 By Terry L. Pruitt Main Idea : The Lord will protect his people. Outline I. Man with the Measuring Line Zechariah 2:1,2 II. Jerusalem is so Large That It Has No Walls Zechariah 2:3-5 III. Return to Jerusalem You Who Are Scattered Zechariah 2:6,7 IV. Those Who Harm God's People Will Suffer His Wrath Zechariah 2:8-9 V. Many Nations Will Follow The Lord Zechariah 2:10-13 1. Josephus was looking for one literal fulfillment of this passage. Clark's commentary says... The vision with which this chapter opens, portended great increase and prosperity to Jerusalem. Accordingly Josephus tells us, (Wars v. iv. 2,) that "the city, overflowing with inhabitants, extended beyond its walls," as predicted in the fourth verse, and acquired much glory during the time of the Maccabees; although these promises, and particularly the sublime image in the fifth verse, has certainly a still more pointed reference to the glory and prosperity of the ...

My Sunday School Lesson - Zechariah 1

In the tradition of free and open source software, courseware and others who are generous and yet somehow effective, I'm publishing my Sunday School lessons here on the web. Some other projects that I respect that are free and open are the MIT Open Courseware , Third Millennium Ministries and Crosswire Bible Society . I'm not going to mention all the software that is open source. I'm really wondering if Third Millennium and Crosswire should get together on some projects. Zechariah 1 by Terry L. Pruitt Main Idea: The Lord will defend His own reputation and His own people. Will you merely be a tool in His hand or will you follow Him? Outline to Zechariah Chapter One I. Introduction "The 'Lord Who Rules Over All" Says Turn To Me (Zechariah 1:1-6) II. Introduction to The Visions (Zechariah 1:7) III. Content of the First Vision – Four Horsemen (Ze...